1 / 5

Consider the following countries:

  1. Egypt
  2. Djibouti
  3. Jordan
  4. Eritrea
  5. Turkey

How many of the above countries border the Red Sea?

2 / 5

Consider the following passage:
This Sanctuary was established in 1973 and is located in Kerala. The
sanctuary is a component of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (UNESCOdesignated area) and of the Elephant Reserve No. 7 of South India. It is
situated at the confluence of three biologically distinct and diverse regionsthe main Western Ghat Mountains, the Nilgiri Hills and the Deccan Plateau.
Kabini River, a tributary of the Kaveri River flows through the sanctuary.
The above passage is related to which of the following Sanctuary?

3 / 5

Consider the following statements regarding Photoreception:

1) Statement I – Photoreception is the biological process by which photoreceptors in the eye detect and convert light into electrical signals

that the brain interprets as vision.

2) Statement II – Photoreceptors are specialized cells in the pupil that absorb light waves and convert them into electrical signals.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

4 / 5

Consider the following statements regarding Large Magellanic Cloud:

  1. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is an irregular satellite galaxy that orbits the Milky Way every 1,500 million years.
  1. It is about 163,000 light-years away from the earth and is visible to the naked eye in the Southern Hemisphere.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

5 / 5

Consider the following statements with reference to Lumpy Skin Disease:

  1. Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a bacterial disease that affects cattle and water buffalo.
  1. Animals infected by LSD immediately start losing weight and may have

fever and lesions in the mouth.

  1. LSD is zoonotic meaning the disease can spread to humans.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

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