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Which of the following is an example of non-factor income?
Answer: c) Gifts
Explanation: Non-factor income includes money receipts that do not involve any sacrifice on the part of the recipients, such as gifts, donations, taxes, fines, etc.
2 / 5
Which factor of production involves the efforts of human beings in the production process?
Answer: d) Labor
Explanation: Labor is the factor of production that includes all efforts of human beings used for the production of goods and services, both physical and mental. The income earned by labor resources is called wages.
3 / 5
Consider the following statements with respect to Writ Jurisdiction :
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Answer d
The Parliament (under Article 32) can empower any other court to issue writs. Since no such provision has been made so far, only the Supreme Court and the high courts can issue the writs and not any other court. Before 1950, only the High Courts of Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras had the power to issue the writs. Article 226 now empowers all the high courts to issue the writs. Hence statement 1 is correct.
4 / 5
Who is Iyothee Thass Pandithar?
Answer: b) An anti-caste activist and practitioner of Siddha medicine.
Explanation: Iyothee Thass Pandithar was a prominent anti-caste activist and practitioner of Siddha medicine.
5 / 5
What is Project Kuiper?
Answer: b) Amazon’s project to build a network of 3,236 satellites in low Earth orbit for high-speed internet access.
Explanation: Project Kuiper is Amazon’s initiative to deploy a constellation of 3,236 satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) to provide high-speed internet access globally. The project aims to bring fast and affordable broadband to underserved and unserved communities. It consists of ground infrastructure, global networking, satellites in LEO, and customer terminals.
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