Bhil Tribe, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Human Development Index, Fast Breeder Reactor (FBRs), Gulf of Carpentaria,
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Q.1. Consider the following statements regarding the Gulf of Carpentaria, recently seen in the news:1.Situated within the Southern Indian Ocean, there lies a shallow, rectangular body of water.2.This stands as a unique contemporary instance of an epicontinental sea.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Ans. bWhy in News: A fresh warning for a tropical cyclone has just been issued for the Gulf of Carpentaria.Overview of the Gulf of Carpentaria:Positioned on the northern coastline of Australia, the Gulf of Carpentaria serves as an inlet of the eastern Arafura Sea.Spanning an extensive area of 120,000 square miles (310,000 square km), it reaches depths of up to 230 feet (70 meters).Its width varies from 590 kilometers at the mouth to 675 kilometers near the southern coast, stretching over 700 kilometers from north to south.The gulf encompasses a continental shelf shared by both New Guinea and Australia.Geological Features:A ridge in Torres Strait acts as a natural boundary, separating the gulf from the Coral Sea to the east.Notably, it stands as a contemporary example of an epicontinental sea, a geological characteristic more prevalent in earlier epochs.Hydrology and Rivers: The gulf is nourished by the influx of numerous rivers, including the Roper, Wilton, Walker, Calvert, Flinders, McArthur, and Norman Rivers.Islands and Marine Life:Within its expanse, the gulf hosts several islands, with Groote Eylandt being the largest.The region also features fringing reefs and thriving coral colonies, contributing to its rich marine biodiversity.Economic Significance: In the 20th and 21st centuries, the Gulf of Carpentaria garnered international attention due to the discovery and exploitation of valuable mineral resources like manganese and bauxite.
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Q.2.Consider the following statements about Fast Breeder Reactor (FBRs)1. Gorakhpur Nuclear Power Plant in Haryana is home to India’s inaugural indigenous Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR).2. Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs) represent a category of nuclear reactors capable of generating a surplus of fissile material (fuel) compared to what they utilize.3. This surplus is attained by transforming fertile material into fissile material via a process known as nuclear transmutation.How many of the statements given above are correct?
Why in News: The initiation of the ‘core loading’ procedure at the Kalpakkam Fast Breeder reactor represents a significant achievement in India’s three-stage nuclear power program.India’s Indigenous Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR): Situated within the Kalpakkam Atomic Power Station in Tamil Nadu, India’s inaugural indigenous Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) is a notable landmark. (Statement 1 is incorrect)Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs): FBRs represent a category of nuclear reactors distinguished by their ability to generate more fissile material (fuel) than they consume.Nuclear Transmutation for Fuel Generation: The surplus fuel production in FBRs is achieved through the conversion of fertile material into fissile material via the process of nuclear transmutation.India’s Three-Stage Nuclear Power Program: India’s nuclear energy strategy encompasses a three-stage plan aimed at leveraging the nation’s thorium reserves for electricity generation.Core Loading Milestone at Kalpakkam FBR: Recently, a significant milestone was achieved in India’s nuclear program with the commencement of core loading at the Kalpakkam Fast Breeder Reactor. This step is pivotal in fuel generation for the subsequent stages.Closed Fuel Cycle Approach: India has embraced a “closed fuel cycle” strategy, aiming for efficient utilization and recycling of nuclear fuel resources.Understanding Nuclear Transmutation: Nuclear transmutation involves altering the nucleus of an atom, leading to a change in its identity. This process, whether natural or artificial, results in the conversion of one element or isotope into another.
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Q.3.With reference to Human Development Index, consider the following statements1. The HDI represents a combined assessment of a nation’s overall performance in two fundamental dimensions of human development: health and quality of life.2. Furthermore, the HDI reflects Amartya Sen’s perspective on human well-being, focusing on individuals’ capabilities and achievements rather than just the methods used to attain them.Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Ans. bExplanation:The HDI is not solely a measure of two aspects but rather a composite evaluation of a nation’s average accomplishments across three fundamental dimensions of human development: health, knowledge, and standard of living. (Statement 1 is incorrect)The HDI indeed encompasses Amartya Sen’s “capabilities” perspective on comprehending human well-being, which prioritizes the significance of ultimate objectives, such as a satisfactory standard of living, over the methods employed to achieve them, such as income per capita.
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Q.4.Consider the following statements regarding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA):1. Formed in the aftermath of the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, its purpose is to implement direct relief and employment initiatives for Palestinian refugees.2. Its financial support comes predominantly from voluntary donations provided by member states of the United Nations.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Ans. bExplanation:India has recently announced a donation of $2.5 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to aid the welfare of Palestinian refugees.
Statement 1 is incorrect: Following the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict, UNRWA was established based on United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 302 (IV) issued on December 8, 1949. The agency’s mission is to administer direct relief and employment programs for Palestinian refugees. Its operations officially began on May 1, 1950.
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Q.5. Consider the following statements regarding the Bhil Tribe:1.Primarily situated in the regions of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra are their main locations.2.During various events, they seek guidance from Badvas, who are the hereditary sorcerers.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Ans. cExplanation:Recently, it has been verified that a stone idol venerated by the Bhils in the Bagh region of Madhya Pradesh is actually a fossilized dinosaur egg.The Bhils are acknowledged as one of the ancient tribes indigenous to India.The term ‘Bhil’ is derived from the Dravidian word ‘villu’ or ‘billu,’ meaning ‘Bow.’They are identified as a Dravidian ethnic group originating from Western India and are categorized within the Austroloid cluster of tribes.
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