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Why is money in hand not considered capital by some economists?
Answer: b) Money facilitates trade but is not a productive resource.
Explanation: Some economists do not consider money in hand as capital because money merely facilitates trade and is not in itself a productive resource. Only capital goods such as machinery and tools bought by money are used to produce goods and services.
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What is the category of man-made resources used for producing goods and services, such as buildings and machines?
Answer: b) Fixed capital
Explanation: Capital includes man-made resources used in production. Fixed capital refers to tools, machines, buildings, etc., that can be used in production over many years.
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The power of the State to make any provision for the reservation of posts in favour of any backward class of citizens in the services under the State is constitutionally protected under
Ans. D
Right to Equality includes:
Equality of opportunity means that all sections of the society enjoy equal opportunities. But in a society where there are various kinds of social inequalities, what does equal opportunity mean? The Constitution clarifies that the government can implement special schemes and measures for improving the conditions of certain sections of society: children, women, and the socially and educationally backward classes. In fact, Article 16(4) of the constitution explicitly clarifies that a policy like reservation will not be seen as a violation of the right to equality. This is required for the fulfilment of the right to equality of opportunity.
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What is the key characteristic of salamanders related to survival?
Answer: b) Regeneration of lost limbs
Explanation: Salamanders are known for their ability to regenerate lost limbs, including tails and toes. This unique characteristic enhances their survival by allowing them to recover from injuries and attacks from predators.
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What is Low Earth Orbit (LEO)?
Answer: b) An orbit around the Earth with an altitude of around 1,200 miles or less.
Explanation: LEO is an orbit around the Earth with an altitude that lies towards the lower end of the range of possible orbits, approximately 1,200 miles (2,000 km) or less. Satellites in LEO, unlike geostationary satellites, do not have a fixed position and can follow various paths. LEO is commonly used for satellite imaging and is also the orbit used for the International Space Station (ISS).
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